Portable Scanner MagicScan T4E Review |
The MagicScan Pro (also known as MagicScan T4E) portable scanner features the ability to turn any document, picture, or print media that is up to 217mm in width into a digital JPEG or PDF file with a single steady swipe. |
Life Logging - Is It Worth The Effort? (Part 6) |
Aviva’s app is even less forthcoming. It dishes out badges such as “Corner Master” (for smooth steering), or “Brake Master” (for not slapping on the anchors too heavily) - but I failed to earn any of these on my two test trips. For full feedback and an Aviva Drive score, I have to wait until I’ve clocked up 200 miles. |
Life Logging - Is It Worth The Effort? (Part 5) |
While RescueTime acts as a nicotine patch for my Twitter addiction, there are Twitter analytics sites that keep fuelling my habit. Klout is a dangerous site for those with even a shred of ego, rating your influence and comparing it to that of your contemporaries, based on a rather opaque set of criteria. |
Life Logging - Is It Worth The Effort? (Part 4) |
Some app developers claim you don’t need a $118 wristband to measure sleep patterns, but I’d beg to disagree. The free - and critically acclaimed - SleepBot app for iOS and Android can also track your bedtime contortions, using the accelerometer inside the phone. |
Life Logging - Is It Worth The Effort? (Part 3) |
For a keyboard jockey who recently started working from home in the wettest winter since the biblical Flood, the results can be disheartening. On one day, I took a mere 2,678 steps: a total distance of only 1.3 miles. There are people in comas getting more exercise than that. |
Life Logging - Is It Worth The Effort? (Part 2) |
MyFitnessPal pulls ahead again with its fitness app integration. If you connect MyFitnessPal to an exercise monitor, such as Fitbit, it’s possible to get more calorie credits in the bank. |
Life Logging - Is It Worth The Effort? (Part 1) |
My name is Barry Collins. I’m 6ft 3in and weigh 14st Sib, although if I continue to lose weight at my current trajectory, by the time you read this I’ll be 13st 131b. Yesterday, I consumed 2,547 calories and 30g of saturated fat: my fourth-highest daily fat intake in the past month. |
Your Online Habits Could Land You In Prison (Part 3) |
The court ruled that the actions of Isabella Sorley and John Nimmo fell into the “grossly offensive” category when they threatened campaigner Caroline Criado-Perez over her part in calls to put Jane Austen on $17 banknotes. |
Your Online Habits Could Land You In Prison (Part 2) |
The heyday of P2P networks and unlawful downloads may be over, but that doesn’t mean legal action for sharing or reusing copyright material is going away. The rise of YouTube, blogs and other outlets means lawyers still have plenty on their plates. |
Your Online Habits Could Land You In Prison (Part 1) |
The internet has given rise to new crimes – from hacking and bank fraud to eBay scams – but it’s also created a new kind of troublemaker: the accidental criminal. No-one would be surprised by an early-morning knock on the door if they’d hacked an online banking site, but the reach of the web means it’s never been easier for otherwise well-behaved citizens to break the law inadvertently. |
On The Cutting Edge (Part 1) - Running Shoes, Badminton |
In 1993, an eccentric British cyclist named Graeme Obree set the hour record on a bike he had made from his own garage using parts from a washing machine. Apart from having two wheels and a set of pedals, it looked like no other racing bike on the road. |
Gaming – Powered by Steam |
On the modern day living room, game consoles have taken over practically every necessary form of entertainment available, waging war over who can do more and better. But with legendary pc developer Valve's steam machines, it looks like things are about to heat up immensely. |
Hot New Products In This Month (Part 2) - Max Fidelity Subwoofers |
Designed as the successor to the iSimple GateWay, the Connect offers the premium features of the standard GateWay kit, including iPod and iPhone control, battery charging and USB and Bluetooth connectivity. The Connect is available for select General Motors and Toyota vehicles, with a MSRP of $229.95 USD. |
Hot New Products In This Month (Part 1) |
Wideband Failsafe Gauge from AEM is an air/fuel controller and boost/vacuum gauge in one. It can protect your engine from catastrophic damage and internally logs over three hours of data. It includes an internal boost sensor, Bosch Wideband AFR sensor and weld-in bung with interchangeable faceplates and bezels. |
Group Test Computer Desks March 2014 (Part 5) - Interlink Alexis Standing Desk |
Not everyone owns or works with a base unit, monitor, keyboard and mouse. Believe it or not, some people actually prefer to conduct their computing business via a laptop. While this means you can take your PC anywhere and drop it on a kitchen table to work on, it does take away some of the benefits that a dedicated laptop desk can offer. |
Group Test Computer Desks March 2014 (Part 4) - Medara Hideaway Desk |
The Medara Hideaway desk is one such example. It's a relatively sturdy, solid oak and veneer computer desk that measures in at 1110 x 550 x 800mm and provides suitable internal compartments for the base unit, printer, spare paper and further drawers and shelving for the usual bits and bobs. |
Group Test Computer Desks March 2014 (Part 3) - ADA 2000 Winding Height Desk |
The ADA 2000 desk offers the user the best of both worlds. In its standard position it's an 1800 x 800mm rectangular top desk with a height of 700mm. However, thanks to the winding handle to the side of the desk, you can raise the platform to a height of 980mm and therefore stand while working in front of your screen. |