
IIS 7.0 : Web Management Service (part 1) - Installation, WMSvc Configuration

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The Web Management Service is a service from IIS 7.0 that runs on the IIS server—that is, the server that is going to be managed remotely. It provides two important features:
  • It handles remote administration for the IIS Manager by listening for incoming HTTPS requests from remote users running IIS Manager. It then executes the request operations locally.

  • It provides access for Windows users without administrative privileges and non-Windows users, whether they are using IIS Manager from local or remote machines.


This service is not functional in Windows Vista. This means that IIS running under Windows Vista cannot be managed remotely using IIS Manager.

Windows Server 2008 Server Core does not include managed code support, which means the Web Management Service is not installable on that configuration.


Because it is not part of the default IIS 7.0 install, the Web Management Service is an optional role service that needs to be installed and its startup type configured. To install it, you can use Server Manager or the ServerManagerCMD command line tool. To install using Server Manager, follow this procedure:

  1. Start Server Manager.

  2. In Server Manager, select Roles.

  3. In the Web Server (IIS) role group, click the Add Role Services.

  4. Under Management Tools, select Management Service and then click Next.

  5. Click Install.

Figure 1 shows the Select Role Services window.

Server Manager Role Services.

Figure 1. Server Manager Role Services.

To install the Web Management Service by using ServerManagerCMD, run the following command line.

ServerManagerCMD -install Web-Mgmt-Service

Web Management Service Setup

Installing the Web Management Service makes the following changes to your server:

  • The service is configured to run as Local Service. However, thanks to the new service isolation feature in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista, all the resources required for the service are protected via the WMSvc service–specific security identifier (SID) called NT Service\WMSvc.

  • The folder %SystemDrive%\Inetpub\Logs\Wmsvc is created and "NT Service\WMSvc" is granted Modify permissions to it.

  • A new inbound firewall rule called Web Management Service (HTTP) for TCP port 8172 is created and enabled.

  • A new self-signed secure sockets layer (SSL) certificate is created for the machine by using a name in the form of WMSvc-machinename.

  • SSL configuration for the service is set up within HTTP.sys to use the self-signed certificate, and port 8172 is reserved for it.

  • The configuration is written to the registry key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WebManagement\Server.

  • Permissions are granted to the ASP.NET infrastructure:

    • Add and Modify permissions for the .NET Framework v2.0 Temporary ASP.NET Files directory

    • Read permissions for the %SystemRoot%\System32\Inetsrv\config directory

    • Modify permissions for the ASP.NET CompilationMutexName registry key

WMSvc Configuration

After the Web Management Service is installed, you need to make some configuration changes to optimize the service for your environment. Some of the tasks that are important to set up include:

  • Configuring the service to start automatically

  • Enabling Remote connections, SSL certificate, and IP configuration

  • IPv4 address restrictions

  • Connection authentication options

Configuring the Service Startup Type to Automatic

When installed, the Web Management Service is configured to start manually, which means that it will not start automatically when the service is stopped, for example, when the machine is restarted. This also means that to enable remote management again, someone has to manually start the Web Management Service whenever the service is stopped. For this reason, it is important to set up the service to start automatically, which ensures that remote management is enabled at all times. To do this, you can use the Services console or the Sc.exe command line tool.

To configure the service to start automatically using the Services console, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Administrative Tools program group, launch Services.

  2. Double-click Web Management Service.

  3. In the Startup Type drop-down list, select Automatic and then click OK.

Figure 2 shows the Web Management Service Properties dialog box.

Web Management Service properties dialog box.

Figure 2. Web Management Service properties dialog box.

To configure the service to run automatically using the Services Configuration (Sc.exe) command line tool, run the following command from an elevated command prompt.

sc config WMSvc start= auto


WMSvc is the name of the service in the services configuration database. Make sure to use a white space after the = sign in the preceding command line. Otherwise, the command will not execute correctly.

Enable Remote Connections, SSL Certificate, and IP Configuration

By default, the Web Management Service is configured to allow only local connections to connect to the service to perform administration tasks. This enables delegated users (nonadministrators) to connect to and manage their sites and applications on the local machine. However, it will not let users connect from a remote machine. To allow that, you need to specify that remote connections are enabled by using the IIS Manager Management Service feature.

Also, during setup, a self-signed certificate is created that is used for SSL registration on port 8172 with HTTP.sys. This certificate provides a simple way to set up a test configuration. However, it is strongly recommended that you get a valid certificate issued by a trusted certificate authority (CA) for use by the users that will connect to this machine. With a built-in self-signed certificate, any remote machine that connects to the server gets a warning asking if the certificate is trusted and if the connection to the server should go ahead, giving the user the ability to view the certificate details. Figure 3 shows the Server Certificate Alert that users see when they use a self-signed certificate.

Server Certificate Alert.

Figure 3. Server Certificate Alert.

To avoid this warning, you need to acquire and configure a valid certificate for server authentication from your own trusted certificate authority or from a known certificate authority. Such a certificate can be installed on the server by using different tools, including the Certificates console and the IIS Manager Server Certificates feature. After the certificate is installed on the machine, you can configure the Web Management Service to use the certificate via the IIS Manager Management Service feature. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. From the Administrative Tools program group, launch the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

  2. In the Connections pane, select the IIS computer node and then double-click the Management Service in the Features View pane. To make changes, you need to first stop the Web Management Service.

  3. At the top of the page, you can enable remote connections by checking the Enable Remote Connections check box.

  4. In the Connections section, you can set the IP address and the port that you want the service to bind to. You can set the SSL certificate by using the SSL Certificate drop-down list that includes all the available certificates for server authentication.

  5. After making any necessary changes, click Apply to start the service.

Figure 4 shows the Management Service configuration settings.

Management Service feature.

Figure 4. Management Service feature.


If the Web Management Service is running, the Management Service options will be disabled. To change the configuration, you need to click Stop in the Actions pane.


If you change the port the service uses and if you want to allow remote connections, you need to create a firewall exception rule for the port; otherwise, it will fail to connect. By default, during setup, a firewall exception rule called Web Management Service (HTTP) is added and enabled for port 8172. Also, when remote users enter the server name in the Connect To Server dialog box, they need to type the port in the Server Name text box (for example, MyServerMachine:8173). 

All the settings configured by the Management Service feature are stored in the registry under the following key.


Table 1 shows the Web Management Service registry entries.

Table 1. Web Management Service Registry Entries




Specifies if logging should be enabled. The default value is 1 (enabled).


Specifies if the service should enable remote connections or if only local delegated connections should be enabled. The default value is 0 (not allowed). Set this to 1 to allow remote connections.


Specifies the IP address that the service is bound to. The default is All Unassigned.

Note: Changing this value in the registry has no effect, because IIS Manager performs the SSL configuration and the URL reservation with HTTP.sys.


Specifies the directory where the log files should be generated. The default value for this is %SystemDrive%\Inetpub\logs\Wmsvc.


Specifies the port that the service should use. The default is 8172.

Note: Changing this value in the registry has no effect, because IIS Manager performs the SSL configuration and the URL reservation with HTTP.sys.


Provides a serialized value of the list of IP address restrictions that are configured. This value should not be edited directly.


Specifies if only Windows credentials are allowed when connecting remotely or if the IIS Manager credentials are supported. The default value is 1, which specifies that only Windows credentials are allowed. Set this to 0 to allow both credentials.


Contains the certificate hash of the self-signed certificate generated during setup.


Specifies the certificate hash to use for SSL.

Note: Changing this value in the registry has no effect, because IIS Manager performs the SSL configuration and the URL reservation with HTTP.sys.

As mentioned previously, changing some of the values such as IPAddress, Port, or SslCertificateHash directly in the registry does not cause the service to use them automatically, because they are set only by the UI in the HTTP.sys URL registration and SSL configuration. Therefore, if you want to automatically configure those settings, you need to update the registry as well as perform the registration with HTTP.sys manually using the network configuration command line tool Netsh.exe. Then restart Web Management Service.

IPv4 Address Restrictions

When the Web Management Service is running and remote connections are enabled, all IP addresses can connect. The Management Service enables you to enhance security by configuring a specific IP address or a range of IP addresses that you want to either allow or deny access to. You can also specify the access that is granted for any client that is not listed in the list. The configuration for this is better understood through examples:

  • Allow a specific set of clients. To configure this, you need to set the Access For Unspecified Clients drop-down list to Deny so that only the clients listed in the restriction list are allowed. You also need to add each of the clients or IP ranges by using the Allow button. Figure 5 shows an example of this configuration.

    IPv4 Address Restriction that allows only a specific set of clients.

    Figure 5. IPv4 Address Restriction that allows only a specific set of clients.

  • Deny access to a specific set of clients. To configure this, you need to choose Allow from the Access For Unspecified Clients drop-down list. By selecting Allow, everyone is allowed, and only the clients listed in the restriction list are denied access. Next, you need to use the Deny button to add each of the clients or IP ranges you want to deny. Figure 6 shows an example of this configuration.


These settings apply only to IPv4 addresses. To change them, remote connections must be enabled.


The IPv4 restriction list that Web Management Service uses is different from the IPv4 Address and Domain Restrictions configured in IIS for the Web Server. In addition, each of them applies only to the correspondent service independently.

IPv4 Address Restriction that denies access to a specific set of clients.

Figure 6. IPv4 Address Restriction that denies access to a specific set of clients.

Connection Authentication Options

One of the most powerful features of the delegated configuration support in IIS 7.0 is that it enables users without administrative privileges to configure their site and application settings in their own Web.config files. The Web Management Service takes it to the next level by not only providing them the UI for doing that, but also enabling users to change settings in their own Web.config files even without having a Windows user account. These users are called IIS Manager users and can be configured using IIS Manager. Having a clear understanding of the differences between these authentication models can help you choose the best strategy for your environment.

Windows Credentials

Using Windows credentials is the recommended setting for enabling remote management, because Windows provides you with a robust solution for managing users and groups and establishing policies such as password account policies. In addition, Windows provides several tools to simplify management of these tools. When using Windows credentials, every action the remote user performs is performed via their identity on the server. This means you can use the security mechanisms in Windows, such as access control lists (ACLs), to offer increased protection of the resources on the server. You also gain more granular control over them. This, of course, means that you need to specifically grant the user access to all the resources that he will manage. In particular, you will need to grant write access for at least Web.config files that the user manages.

Windows administrators are the only users that can connect to a server and manage it entirely, and they are always allowed to connect to the server in addition to any site or application. Windows users that do not have administrative privileges will be allowed to connect only to their own sites and applications, and only when the administrator has granted them access.

IIS Manager Credentials

IIS Manager credentials provide an alternative for scenarios in which creating Windows accounts for all the remote users is not an option, or when the users that are allowed to connect are already stored in a different authentication system, such as a customer database, and you want to keep them in a single store. IIS Manager users use a combination of user name and password only, and they do not have any correspondence with Windows principals. As such, their requests always run as the process identity, which is configured in the Log On setting of the Web Management Service. By default, the Web Management Service is configured to use Local Service, but thanks to the Service Isolation feature in Windows Server 2008, you can use the service-specific SID NT Service\WMSvc to protect access to content and resources.

One drawback of using IIS Manager credentials is that, for every resource that needs to be used, you need to grant access to it by using the same identity (NT Service\WMSvc), independent of the site, application, or user that will be connecting. This provides no isolation at the operating system level. The IIS Manager built-in features are designed to carefully protect against enabling users to perform actions outside their scope, which means this shouldn’t be a concern. However, IIS Manager functionality is extensible, and it is important that you install IIS Manager administration features only from trusted sources because they run inside WMSvc.

One interesting characteristic of using IIS Manager users is that this functionality is built using an extensible architecture that you can replace. This gives you the ability to authenticate and authorize against your own Users store, whether it is an existing database, an LDAP provider, or anything else. 

The built-in implementation of the authentication provider uses our configuration APIs to store the user’s credentials in a file called Administration.config located in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Inetsrv\Config directory. Credentials are stored inside that file, including the user name and the SHA256 hash of the password on it. This proves to be really useful when enabling the IIS Shared Configuration feature and provides a simple, convenient way to have a centralized list of users for a set of machines.

Another consideration when using IIS Manager credentials is to consider if the content of your sites or applications is stored in a universal naming convention (UNC) path on a remote machine. Given that the operations performed by IIS Manager Users are executed as the process identity, and that by default the Web Management Service runs as Local Service, IIS Manager users will not be able to manage any resources outside the local machine unless you change the service logon identity of the Web Management Service.

Table 2 summarizes the types of users and their characteristics.

Table 2. User Types and Their Characteristics

Type of User

Connection Scope

Execution Identity

Windows Administrators

Windows administrators are always allowed to connect to the server or to any site or application in the machine.

Every action in the server is performed as the Windows administrator caller identity.

Windows Users

Windows users are allowed to connect only to sites or applications if they have been granted access to them via IIS Manager Permissions. In other words, regular Windows users are never allowed to connect to manage the entire server, only sites or applications.

Every action in the server is performed as the Windows user caller identity.

IIS Manager Users

IIS Manager users are allowed to connect to sites or applications only if IIS Manager users are allowed in the Management Service feature and only if they have been granted access to them via the IIS Manager Permissions feature. They are never allowed to connect to manage the entire server, only sites or applications.

Every action in the server is performed as the process identity, which is configured in the service logon identity. For simplicity, you can always assume NT Service\WMSvc.

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