
Iwork Pro - Sharing A Cell

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Numbers’ cell controls and formatting are a great scam for easy entry

Perhaps it’s down to the twin personal failings of fat fingers and a lack of co-ordination, but after carrying an iPad around on a few trips over the past weeks, I’ve learned the hard way that quickly editing the contents of cells in a Numbers table – often awkward enough for me on a laptop – is a battle on iOS devices.

It also means that over the same time period I’ve become a cheerleader for Number’s special cell controls: Checkbox, Slider, Stepper or Pop-Up Menu for four separate reasons. The obvious one is that they make editing cells much easier, particularly on an iOS device. Rather than the usual hunt-and-peck approach to editing I usually employ on an iPhone, cell controls let you change the content of a cell without having to type anything in. instead, you can adjust its value with a slide of the finder or tap of a pop-up menu.

Keep it in check: Even though Numbers’ checkboxes themselves can’t be exported to Excel, the underlying data remains intact, and formulas that refer to them should be unaffected

Keep it in check: Even though Numbers’ checkboxes themselves can’t be exported to Excel, the underlying data remains intact, and formulas that refer to them should be unaffected

Reason number two: converting a standard number cell format to one of Numbers’ special cell controls is simpler than you might think and it’s reversible.

On the Mac, you select the cells whose format you want to convert and either choose the cell control from the drop-down menu in the Format bar or open the Cells Inspector and choose the cell format from the drop-down menu.

On an iOS device, you select the cells, tap the paintbrush icon at the top of the screen and choose the format under the Format tab. By tapping the blue button at the side of the format’s name in the list, you can set options such as minimum and maximum values and increments.

A third reason for my love-in with special cell controls is that while they don’t appear in other spreadsheet applications, that doesn’t mean that the tables that employ them are incompatible with Excel-using colleagues. The controls govern how the cell is formatted, rather than its underlying data.

Type cast: You can type into Stepper and Slider cell controls (the number will automatically change to the nearest increment), but a Checkbox cell control can only hold two values, checked or unchecked

Type cast: You can type into Stepper and Slider cell controls (the number will automatically change to the nearest increment), but a Checkbox cell control can only hold two values, checked or unchecked

So sitting underneath the Checkbox cell control is a simple value: TRUE if it’s checked, or FALSE if not. If you export a table containing these cell controls to Excel, the imported spreadsheet will strip the appearance of the cell control, but the value currently in that cell will be retained. And any formulas that rely on its contents should still work.

Cell controls are also a more secure way to add information to a table. In most cases, when you create a cell controls, you also set the constraints of their lowest and highest values or in the case of the Pop-Up Menu, a set choice of options. This list of choices can be a pain to build initially, but they save time later and as they restrict users to a set choice, your spreadsheet data is kept more consistent.

Step by step: For most cell controls, the Cell Inspector lets you set minimum values for the cell’s contents, as well as specifying increments

Step by step: For most cell controls, the Cell Inspector lets you set minimum values for the cell’s contents, as well as specifying increments

The best reason of all for using cell controls, though, is the flexibility they offer to your spreadsheets. Let’s say you want to earn more money next financial year. If you’re a freelance designer, you might have a particular target income that you’d like to aim for. There will be two variables that affect how you can reach this target, how many chargeable hours you can work, and the hourly rate you can get clients to pay.

Testing how much you need to charge, or how hard you have to work to reach a target, is a classic piece of ‘what-if’ analysis that a Numbers table can help you calculate. All it needs is a cell where you enter the number of hours you can work and one below with your hourly rate.

The combined contents of these two cells would produce a total income figure. Underneath would sit rows for fixed and variable cost, which would be deducted from your income figure to produce a profit total.

Conditional love: By using conditional formatting, the background of a cell can change as you adjust the slider

Conditional love: By using conditional formatting, the background of a cell can change as you adjust the slider

However, manually tweaking the two variables by repeatedly entering a series of different figures would quickly strain any enthusiasm for increasing your income. This is where cell formats come into their own.

Instead of typing a new number into the ‘Number of Hours’ cell, you change the format of that cell to a Slider. In the Cells Inspector in Numbers on the Mac, choose Slider as the cell format. Select the minimum and maximum number of hours you’re prepared to work and set the increment to one.

Now you can quickly adjust the number of hours you work by moving the slider, and the total income and profit figures will change accordingly.

Stay in control: Numbers cell controls are easy to edit on the iPad, and you can revert them to standard numerical or text content at any time

Stay in control: Numbers cell controls are easy to edit on the iPad, and you can revert them to standard numerical or text content at any time

You can do something similar with the hourly rate figure. This time, change the cell format to a Stepper, so you can quickly increase or decrease numbers in specific increments. The result is a table that lets you instantly visualizes how a change in your workload, or how much you charge for it, can affect your bottom line. And if you create a chart based on these figures, the updates as you move the slider.

Updating game: One of the great benefits of using a slider cell control on conjunction with a chart updates as you move the slider

Updating game: One of the great benefits of using a slider cell control on conjunction with a chart updates as you move the slider

You can also apply conditional formatting so a cell’s text or background formatting changes according to the value of the data. For example, if you set a maximum number of hours to work in the slider cell control, you might like the cell to change color as you approached the maximum number. That’s easy to do, and it can be done from the Cells Inspector. If the maximum number of hours is 60, create a conditional format to change the cell’s background color when the number of hours reaches 50. In the Cells Inspector, click the Show Rules button and create a conditional format rule where when the number is more than 50, the background fill of the cell turns red.

Star ratings

Star ratings

Star ratings

Number’s cell formats are retained when you move between iOS and Mac, expect for Star Ratings, a cell control exclusive to iOS. A Star Rating has no options; it simply presents from one to a maximum of five stars (if you convert a number above five to a Star Rating cell control, it gives it five stars). To enter a rating, just tap the appropriate dot in the cell. A handy way to use Star Ratings in iOS is in conjunction with a checkbox control to create a to-do list. With each task allocated a row, assign a star rating to each row for its importance. Add a checkbox control to the row so you can tick it when the task is completed. You can then use sorting (tap the column heading, then pick Sort from the floating menu bar to sort the column descending) to organize the tasks, first in order of importance, and they by completion.

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