Windows 8 was in for a rough time with this
test. Microsoft has taken on a major update to the underlying engine of an OS,
as well as a radical overhaul of its user interface. It was also facing a
version of OS X that has built incrementally on the lessons learned from
previous versions, with nips here and tucks there to subtly improve the user
The approaches to the two designs tell
their own story about the companies behind the operating systems. Apple has for
many years played second fiddle to Microsoft in terms of operating system
market share, and has therefore developed a mentality of being less reliant on
third parties for hardware or software.

approaches to the two designs tell their own story about the companies behind
the operating systems.
Primarily a hardware company, Apple needs
to offer a complete user experience if it wants to sell you the expensive
machines that adorn its high-street stores. This means that, out of the box, a
Mac comes with pretty much everything the average user needs, and there are
some fun extras thrown in. For example, Garage band can be used to create your
own music.
Apple's well- worn mantra of 'it just
works' is in most cases borne out to be true, and Mountain Lion is a solid
operating system that interacts smoothly with the various extra applications
included. Entering this land of plenty comes at a cost, though, with desktop
machines that lack a monitor starting at $4,000, and laptops costing from

was also facing a version of OS X that has built incrementally on the lessons
learned from previous versions, with nips here and tucks there to subtly
improve the user experience.
To take advantage of advanced features such
as AirDrop and iCloud you will need at least one other Apple device, too.
If you're willing to make such a strong
commitment to a single supplier then the overall experience and
interoperability of Mountain Lion is an excellent platform that feels mature
and highly polished.
Windows 8
Microsoft's new direction still feels as
though it's in the development stage, with the Modern UI apps lacking
functionality and, at times, even common sense. The traditional desktop is
where most people have pitched their tents, with those who run Windows 8 barely
having cause to interact with the new Start Screen, but it's an uncomfortable
Whereas Mountain Lion offers you
applications that work together to help you achieve your goals, Windows 8 is a
little like two sides of a personality at war with itself the two versions of
Internet Explorer 10 are a prime example.

Without additional software the OS is
neutered and incapable of even some basic tasks such as removing red-eye from
photos. The worst thing is that it all seems so unnecessary. Under the frilly
curtains of the Modern UI beats the heart of a powerful and well-designed
engine - one that, if freed from the touch-obsessed overlay, would be the best
version of Windows we've encountered.
Windows 8 is fast and stable, which is
exactly what you need from an OS. But the Modern UI demands that you in effect
relearn how to use Windows, and the benefits (even with a touchscreen) aren't
worth the effort.
The Windows Store is bereft of quality
apps, Microsoft's own applications are pretty but dumb, and only the Music app
looks like something that's actually finished. Should this paucity of riches be
the reason to hobble a whole desktop OS just so that tablets and phones look
the same? We don't think so.
Of course, once you move beyond the
confines of the out-of -box experience you can tailor Windows to be almost
anything you want, with a superb range of third-party options available. The
problem is that for a Windows 8 machine to be truly usable this is in essence a