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Extending LINQ to Objects : Writing a Single Element Operator (part 2) - Building the RandomElement Operator
To demonstrate how to build a custom operator that returns a single element from a source sequence, let’s look at an operator that returns an element at random.
Extending LINQ to Objects : Writing a Single Element Operator (part 1) - Building Our Own Last Operator
To learn how to build an operator that returns a single element, let’s first look at how the built-in standard query operator Last is implemented.
PHP Tutorials : Storing Images in MySQL with PHP (part 2) - Creating the HTML, Inserting the Image into MySQL
The creation of the user interface where you or your visitors will download files is very simple. Using the basic HTML and to count on the browser to do them most heavy raising you can easily create the shape of download
PHP Tutorials : Storing Images in MySQL with PHP (part 1) - Why store binary files in MySQL using PHP?
You may want to allow users to upload files to your PHP script or store banner images from advertisers inside of your SQL database.
C# Tutorial: Reading and Writing XML Files (part 2) - Reading XML Files
To read xml files, we can use the XmlReader class. We will use the XML file we created earlier to assign the values into variables. Note that we will simply use variables for storing the values from the XML.
C# Tutorial: Reading and Writing XML Files (part 1) - Writing XML Files
Using the XmlWriter class, we can write our xml. We first use the XmlWriter.WriteStartDocument() method which writes the xml declaration you find on the top of most xml files.
C# 2010 and the .NET 4 Platform : Understanding the ASP.NET Profile API (part 4) - Grouping Profile Data and Persisting Custom Objects
The current profile simply defined four pieces of data which were directly exposed of the type of profile. When you establish more complex profiles, it can be useful to group the relative pieces of data under a single name.
C# 2010 and the .NET 4 Platform : Understanding the ASP.NET Profile API (part 3) - Accessing Profile Data Programmatically
Recall that the whole purpose of the ASP.NET Profile API is to automate the process of writing data to (and reading data from) a dedicated database.
C# 2010 and the .NET 4 Platform : Understanding the ASP.NET Profile API (part 2) - Defining a User Profile Within Web.config
Our goal is to make a profile which models the address start of track of the users who are in session, as well as all the number of times where they announced to this site.
C# 2010 and the .NET 4 Platform : Understanding the ASP.NET Profile API (part 1) - The ASPNETDB.mdf Database
Up to now you examined the many techniques which allow you to remember the little level of the user and level of the application of the data.
C# 2010 and the .NET 4 Platform : The Role of the sessionState Element - Storing Session Data in the ASP.NET Session State Server, Storing Session Data in a Dedicated Database
You examined many manners of remembering information on your users. As you saw, the state and the application of sight, the hiding-place, the session, and the data of cookie are operated according to the programs in more or less the same manner (via an indexer of class).
C# 2010 and the .NET 4 Platform : ASP.NET State Management Techniques - Understanding Cookies
When a user joint a given site, the browser checks to see whether the machine of the user has a cookie file for the URL in question and, if so, affixes these data at the request of HTTP.
Sharepoint 2013 : Content Model and Managed Metadata - Publishing, Un-publishing, and Republishing
The creation of a content type for the publication in the content type hub is identical to that to create satisfied seize a collection of site of non-hub. However, when an administrator of collection of site creates satisfied seize the hub, SharePoint present of the additional options of configuration in theContent Type Settings
Sharepoint 2013 : Content Model and Managed Metadata - Content Type Hubs
Content types provide a powerful classification of contents in SharePoint, if it is a document, an article of list, a page of edition, or external data. Most contents of SharePoint the satisfied types some share implies. SharePoint 2007 presented the satisfied types, and the users of SharePoint never did not look at behind since.
Sharepoint 2013 : Managed Metadata in SharePoint Sites (part 3) - Filtering, Tagging in Office Applications
SharePoint enables you to filter data in the lists using Managed Metadata values (similar to employ facets in research). I installed a new list of demonstration and adds some controlled columns of Managed Metadata site to the list. In this section, I will show how to add the speed reading and the key word of taxonomy filtering to a library of list or document.
Sharepoint 2013 : Managed Metadata in SharePoint Sites (part 2) - Tagging User Interface
To show the user interface for Managed Metadata columns and Enterprise Keywords, I carried out the following stages like precursor, using the Term Store Management Tool:
Sharepoint 2013 : Managed Metadata in SharePoint Sites (part 1)
Terms within a Managed Metadata Service Term Store surface in a collection of site via the special types of column of site. Assuming the administrator a site of SharePoint associated with the store of term containedin the Managed Metadata Service, the satisfied owners can add the new columns of meta-data to the lists, the satisfied types, and the Site Column Gallery
Smashing Html5 : Navigation Strategies - Single-Page Web Sites with Iframes
This section examines how to link to graphics and change the graphic in an iframe. When creating applications designed specifically for mobile devices, you want to use as little bandwidth as possible. By changing just one thing on a Web page, the mobile device just has to load or reload a single item, so the response time is less.
Smashing Html5 : Navigation Strategies - Creating Consistency (part 2) - Understanding the HTML5 mechanics of vertical navigation
The most important part of creating a vertical section to use for navigation in your site is sectioning a portion of the page where you can place the links
Smashing Html5 : Navigation Strategies - Creating Consistency (part 1) - Vertical and horizontal navigation, Applying CSS3 pseudo-classes
One of the most important features of a good navigation system is consistency. The user has to be able to know where to find the navigation system no matter where she is in the site.
Smashing Html5 : Navigation Strategies - Using JavaScript to Call a Linked Page
Any global navigation system needs a way to call different Web pages and the drop-down menus need a way to call a selected item.
Smashing Html5 : Web Navigation Concepts (part 2) - Using lists in global navigation
Just from looking at the code, you may suspect that this kind of navigation system will quickly overwhelm the page. Figure 1 shows what appears even though the possible choices have been drastically cut
Smashing Html5 : Web Navigation Concepts (part 1) - Designer navigation and user navigation, Global navigation
Global navigation in Web pages refers to broad navigation categories that can be placed on every page in a Web site. Global navigation helps users keep track of where they are in a site, so no matter where they go, they’ll see a familiar road map.
Sharepoint 2013 : The Managed Metadata Service (part 4) - Term Sets
A term set provides the container for terms. Later in this chapter, you will see how term sets bind to managed metadata columns in content types and lists so that users may choose from a set of term values in a given term set for the data of a column.
Sharepoint 2013 : The Managed Metadata Service (part 3) - Term Store, Groups
At the term store level, administrators of the farm may define term store administrators. These users have full control of the term store to manipulate the taxonomy.
Sharepoint 2013 : The Managed Metadata Service (part 2) - Associating with a Web Application
One of the options when provisioning a new web application is to opt into the default farm list of managed service applications, or allow the administrator to choose from available services.
Sharepoint 2013 : The Managed Metadata Service (part 1) - Taxonomy and Folksonomy, Initial Setup
Taxonomy describes a hierarchy of classification nodes, called terms. Each term in a taxonomy provides a category or classification of other data. The purpose of the hierarchy is to provide a greater level of specificity as you navigate down the hierarchy.
Sharepoint 2013 : Publishing and Web Content Management - Content Deployment - Configuring the Destination Farm, Configuring the Source Farm
Content deployment is complicated to get working right. Microsoft addressed a number of the bugs, since introducing content deployment in SharePoint 2007, that frustrated administrators.
Smashing Html5 : Organizing a Page - Organizing Files - Relative reference
A relative reference is relative to the calling page’s position on a Web site or its defined base. On your computer, your Web page has a file position rather than an http position
Smashing Html5 : Organizing a Page - Getting Your Stuff Organized (part 2) - Grouping without fracturing, Figures and captions
In more sophisticated CSS3 formatting, the figure and its caption can be treated as an object with a parent-child relationship. Just because figure and figcaption are part of HTML5’s grouping elements that doesn’t mean they’re formatted on the page together; instead, it means that they can be referenced as a single flow in the main content of the page.
Smashing Html5 : Organizing a Page - Getting Your Stuff Organized (part 1) - Paragraphs, divisions, and lists
As you can see in Figure 2, the meaning of the group at the beginning of the World Cup has no hierarchy — the list is just four teams at the World Cup. However, at the end, the order means everything, so the ordered list element is more appropriate.
Smashing Html5 : Organizing a Page - A Design in Sections
In HTML5, a page can be envisioned in terms of a number of sections with subsections. A larger context in a Web page is an article, and just like an article in a magazine, you can find different sections that constitute the building blocks of the article
Smashing Html5 : The Top of the HTML5 Document
Think of the meta element as the one that performs multitasks. One of the most important attributes of the meta element is the name and contents pair.
The Alfa Romeo Mito – A Usable And Fun Package
Here we test the facelifted Alfa Romeo Mito, and you may be scratching your head wondering what is different. But there are some subtle, but important, revisions, including a revised chrome front grille, headlight and tail light surrounds in a titanium grey finish, and a sportier rear bumper.
Publishing and Web Content Management : New in SharePoint 2013 (part 8) - SEO Page Optimization - Edit Display Templates
Display templates provide markup for search results and search-related Web Parts in SharePoint 2013. Previous versions of SharePoint rendered all search results the same, unless you customized the output with XSL and custom code.
Publishing and Web Content Management : New in SharePoint 2013 (part 7) - SEO Page Optimization - Edit Master Pages
SharePoint 2013 now makes the task of creating new master pages and uploading custom branding for master pages easier. The Design Manager contains capability to convert HTML into master pages for your site and to create new starter master pages, without the need for SharePoint Designer.
Publishing and Web Content Management : New in SharePoint 2013 (part 6) - SEO Page Optimization - Upload Design Files
Clicking the link to upload design files from the Design Manager provides you with a page to configure a mapped drive to the Master Page Gallery. SharePoint has essentially exposed the Master Page Gallery via WEBDAV.
Publishing and Web Content Management : New in SharePoint 2013 (part 5) - SEO Page Optimization - XML Site Map, Site Design Manager
Have you ever seen search results from Google or Bing that include a series of jump links, like that in Figure 14? Search engines determine these useful jump links from sitemap XML.
Publishing and Web Content Management : New in SharePoint 2013 (part 4) - SEO Page Optimization - Page-Level SEO, Site Collection SEO
All pages in SharePoint 2013 publishing sites now include configuration options for SEO. Figure 12 shows a typical SEO configuration page, in this case, for my home page.
Publishing and Web Content Management : New in SharePoint 2013 (part 3) - Using the Content Search Web Part, Managed Navigation
All being well, you have designated one or several lists/libraries as catalog enabled, and run a successful full search crawl over these lists. It is now time to demonstrate exposing the cross-published content in other site collections using the Content Search Web Part.
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