
Web Security : Automating with LibWWWPerl - Uploading Viruses to Applications, Parsing for a Received Value with Perl

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1. Uploading Viruses to Applications

1.1. Problem

A virus file is an excellent test case to see how your application handles failures in the underlying operating system. This recipe gives you a 100% harmless way to test how your application responds when a virus file is uploaded.

1.2. Solution

See Example 1.

Example 1. Uploading a virus through Perl
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);

$UA = LWP::UserAgent->new();
$page = "";

$req = HTTP::Request::Common::POST( "$page",
Content_Type => 'form-data',
Content => [ myFile => [ undef, "Virus.jpg",
"Content-Type" => "image/jpeg",
"Content" => $EICAR,
Submit => 'Upload File',

$resp = $UA->request($req);

1. 3. Description

This is a handy technique any time you want to build some test data dynamically and upload it, without having to store it to a file first. Obviously, if your test data is large, storing it to a file is more efficient than storing it in memory (otherwise, your Perl process might become quite large in RAM). But, as you will see, there are some other really good reasons why we have to perform the virus test this way.

Virus files make excellent tests against Windows-based servers. Any Windows-based server that is properly managed will have antivirus software installed. Such antivirus software operates at the operating system level, scanning the content of files. If you upload a file named flower.jpg but its content is really a virus, the operating system will immediately quarantine the file and make it unavailable to your application. This is a fascinating problem, since everything works normally, and then suddenly the file just isn’t there any more.

The EICAR Test Virus

All industry-standard virus scanners recognize a special file and have agreed to treat it as if it were a virus, even though it is totally harmless. As you can imagine, this is a very handy file to have, because it allows you to test the real response of your virus scanners without having any danger whatsoever of doing damage to your systems with a real virus. The EICAR test file can be found at, and it is simple to create, even in a text editor. If you use this file in your application tests, you can see how your operating system, operations staff, and application software react when a virus is introduced into the system. It is a little tricky to work with this file, since—if you have antivirus software installed—it will always be quarantined and disabled on your testing workstation. If you just want to perform this test once, manually, the simplest way to use a non-Windows system (e.g., FreeBSD, Linux, Mac OS) to upload the file. Those systems will not typically react to any Windows viruses, much less the test virus file.

To be safe, we use the EICAR test virus file. However, because that file is always treated like a real virus, we usually can’t store a copy on our hard drive and then upload that file. That’s why Example 1 stores the string inside the Perl script and dynamically uploads it. Your local computer will never see the “virus,” but the server will receive a file that it will immediately recognize as a virus.

You will probably want to have access to the server’s logs (e.g., web application server logs, operating system logs, etc.) in order to determine what happened on your server. The worst possible result, of course, is for nothing to happen at all. No reaction at all would suggest that your application and its server are perfectly happy storing virus files, and that’s a significant security failure all by itself.

Since the XML file is such a problematic file to work with in many operating systems, it is easier to handle like we did the virus file. Embed the billion-laughs XML in your Perl script’s source code and dynamically upload it.

2. Parsing for a Received Value with Perl

2.1. Problem

You send a request to the web application and you need to parse the response to see what was returned. Rather than using something like grep, you want to, for example, get everything that is contained inside a set of HTML tags without worrying about newlines. We assume you have a way of identifying the particular HTML element you want.

2.2. Solution

You have to build an HTML-parsing function, fetch the page, and then execute your parsing function on the HTML. See Example 2.

Example 2. Parsing a page with Perl
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(GET);
use HTML::Parser;

$UA = LWP::UserAgent->new();
$req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => "" );
$resp = $UA->request($req);

sub viewstate_finder {
my ( $self, $tag, $attr ) = @_;

if ( $attr->{name} eq "__VIEWSTATE" ) {
$main::viewstate = $attr->{value};

my $p = HTML::Parser->new(
api_version => 3,
start_h => [ \&viewstate_finder, "self,tagname,attr" ],
report_tags => [qw(input)]
$p->parse( $resp->content );

print $main::viewstate . "\n" if $main::viewstate;

2.3. Discussion

This is the simplest possible program to fetch a page, parse the received content, and print some small amount of that content out. An aspect of most ASP.NET web applications is that the state of the user’s session is stored partially on the server and partly in a hidden form field called __VIEWSTATE. This variable, from an HTML point of view, is an input field (i.e., it corresponds to an <INPUT> tag). The subroutine viewstate_finder in Example 2 will receive the tag name and value of every <INPUT> tag in the entire web page. Very simply, it looks for the one named __VIEWSTATE and updates a global variable ($main::viewstate) to contain the value if it’s found.

This callback technique gets cumbersome if you’re looking for the values of many similar HTML elements. In our case, there are relatively few <INPUT> tags in the HTML, and only one of them is named __VIEWSTATE. If you were looking for the content inside a <TD> tag, it might be harder, since there are frequently many such tags in a single HTML document.
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