A Look At Truecrypt The Open Source Security Tool |
The last article covered Tripwire, which ensures the integrity of the file system. This article extends the security from the operating system and application files a level further. Disk encryption is predominantly used in critical open source infrastructures, for which TrueCrypt is widely used. |
Windows Server 2003 : Securing Network Communication - Deploying IPSec |
All versions of Microsoft Windows beginning with Windows 2000 include support for IPSec, as do several non-Microsoft operating systems. IPSec is based on standards published by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), so all IPSec implementations conforming to those standards should be compatible. |
Accept Credit Card Payments |
If you’re a small business that doesn’t accept credit cards, you could be losing sales and customers. Cash-only policies constrain customers, requiring them to purchase items costing no more than the amount of cash they happen to have on hand, while checks limit sales to the amount currently sitting in the customer’s bank account. |
Data Protection Wars |
An unprecedented lobby effort is threatening to derail changes to data protection laws, which are aimed at giving you knew rights over your data. Lobbyists from the USA and Europe are shouting extremely loudly in an attempt to water down new regulations, which they fear will cost them money. |
The Price Of Piracy (Part 2) |
While SOPA may not have succeeded in being passed, the treatment meted out to Kim Dotcom and Megupload, if not literally then metaphorically, may still end up becoming the accepted response to all accused of being involved in copyright infringement and piracy. |
The Price Of Piracy (Part 1) |
At the crack of dawn, four heavily armed agents drop onto the rooftop of a mansion in a picturesque New Zealand landscape. At the same time, armed agents and dog handlers breach the premises and storm the compound, eventually reaching a panic room where their target is hiding. |
SQL Server 2005 Security : Encryption Support in SQL Server 2005 |
Let’s face it: data that is stored in databases is interesting not only to us as users but to many others in the world whom we might not know. With the increased leverage of the power of relational databases by businesses and consumers, database vendors are under increasing pressure to provide more security-related features. |
Safeguard Your Work Data |
If you’re running a business, you of all people should understand the importance of data security and integrity. It doesn’t matter how small or big a threat may be, or its type or nature, there will be consequences (reputation, legal charges, losing competitive edge, and other unforeseen damages) for any breach of your company’s data and in some instances even irreparable damage. |
SQL Server 2005 Security : Authentication and Authorization |
Endpoints can be considered a point of entry into SQL Server. Administrators can create an endpoint for not only TCP, Named Pipes, Shared Memory, and VIA, but also for HTTP. Once an endpoint is created, you can restrict access so users can connect only via a certain endpoint type. |
SQL Server 2005 Security : SQL Server 2005 Security Overview |
If you are already familiar with the concepts of users and roles and SQL Server logins. But for those who aren’t, we’ll provide a quick explanation. The concepts of users and roles exist both in the Microsoft Windows world and in SQL Server. In an abstract sense, they are referred to as principals. |
Keep Kids Online Safely (Part 3) |
Windows is not the only OS that kids may use nowadays. With the overgrowth of smartphones and tablets, children can enter most of contents that you may have blocked in PC or laptop. |
Keep Kids Online Safely (Part 2) |
Many people decide that they want to limit kid’s watching time, including TV, console game and Internet. In the computer, you can install programs, which are often called parental control programs, which can define the time for Internet access. You are often able to choose periods which allow Internet access; for the rest, it is unavailable. |
Keep Kids Online Safely (Part 1) |
The Internet has a wide range of great resources and activities for kids, but they may spread risks and unsafe stuff. We discovered ways to keep you kid online safely. |
Side Channel Attacks Explained |
Side-channel attacks are the result of hacking techniques that allow outsiders to "watch" or analyze seemingly unimportant aspects of equipment or power consumption to gather data. Side-channel attacks are designed to get past encryption measures in order to either gain access to data or corrupt a system from the outside. |
A Click Away From Malware |
You receive an email that looks like it came from FedEx. It is attempting to notify you that your package was shipped to the wrong address. The subject line reads something like "FedEx tracking" or "FedEx item number." |
Do You Need A Virtual Firewall? |
If your company is running a virtualized environment, the question is bound to come up (if it hasn’t already): Does it make sense to implement a virtual firewall? The answer, however, can depend on numerous company specific factors. There are also questions as to where to locate the firewall and what type of implementation is most appropriate for your company. |
Man In The Middle Attacks |
Human resources personnel follow the company's security protocol to the letter. A very strong 15-character password is used to log on to the cloud provider's server through its website. Before sensitive employee data is uploaded to the cloud server, the security software has flagged no warnings about the Web interface. |
How Secure Is Your Pin? (Part 2) |
With 350 million users, Microsoft's Hotmail remains one of the big three players in web-based email, along with Yahoo and Gmail. Unlike the last two, though, Microsoft doesn't make it easy to see whether and when your email accounts have been accessed by un-authorised third parties, nor does it give any indication of who that third-party might be. |
How Secure Is Your Pin? (Part 1) |
One of the better things to emerge from the aftermath of any massive data breach is the research value of the data that's sold on the dark market (and often published for free somewhere within the hacker underground soon after). |
The Hub: A Solution To Online Image Theft? |
The internet has transformed the availability and shareability of images, making it easy to copy illegally but hard for copyright owners to sue. The current copyright system is struggling to cope with the digital age but what is the alternative? |
Norton Antivirus 2013 - The Powerful Feature-Rich Antivirus Protection |
Norton detected 89 percent of threats on 12 testing system that is infected malware, a similar rate with Kaspersky Anti-Virus (2013). Norton has advantage with the ability to remove malware; it gets 6.6 points and defeats 6.5 points of Kaspersky. Like Kaspersky, Daily Safety Check Home Edition, and Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2013, Norton detected all samples using rootkit technology. |
Safeguard Your PC With Malwarebytes |
You may be paying for top-of-the range antivirus software, but there's still a chance that it might miss something. That's because antivirus vendors don't share information about new threats with one another, preferring to guard the secrets of their success from potential rivals. So what one product might pick up, another might miss or think is benign. |
Security Pros Get Caught Out By QR Codes |
I recently warned website readers – about the hidden security threat posed by QR codes, those giant barcodes used for marketing just about everything these days. I’ve seen them in magazines, on posters and even a giant one on the back of a bus, although I’m still unsure how anyone was meant to scan that. |
Norton 360 2013 - Is Three The Magic Number? |
Symantec says it's done away with version releases, so the latest Norton 360 can only be called '2013' in so much as it comes under the 'Fall 2013' product release schedule, which includes the 'lesser' AntiVirus and Internet Security offerings. |
How Many Passwords Can You Remember? |
Encryption standards and online security have significantly improved over time, claiming to provide the most comprehensive protection possible. But all this technology is useless if your passwords are not strong and well protected, just as a house with strong walls isn't safe if its locks are easy to pick. |
A Malware Primer |
Malware, short for malicious software, is a term used to cover all types of programs that attempt to gain unauthorized access to your PC, steal information, and interrupt computer operations. One of the best ways to avoid being tricked by the different types of malware is to know what the software does and how it’s likely to gain access to your computer. |
The Ultimate PC Security Toolbox (Part 2) |
Facebook, Twitter, and other popular social networking sites have given cybercriminals additional avenues to try grabbing your personal data. For example, scammers might create a malicious Facebook app that attempts to harvest your information for their financial gain, spreads tainted links, or hijacks other people's profiles. Below are a few measures that you can implement to protect yourself on social networks. |