
30 Most Innovative Android Apps (Part 2)

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Wi-Fi Mouse Pro - Turn your Android device into a wireless mouse and keyboard

Price: $3.9

It feels pretty old fashioned using a mouse nowadays, so why not use your Android device instead. Grab Wi-Fi Mouse from the Play store, then install a bit of software on your PC and in no time you can be using your tablet or phone to navigate through your computer.

WiFi Mouse Pro - Turn your Android device into a wireless mouse and keyboard

Wi-Fi Mouse Pro - Turn your Android device into a wireless mouse and keyboard

·         The app can act as a remote control as well.

·         Multi-touch gestures let you switch window focus and much more.

·         Swap between right and left-handed mouse modes with ease.

·         Let you use speech to text input quickly and simply.

Onavo Extend - Extends your Android data plan

Price: Free

Onavo Extend - Extends your Android data plan

Onavo Extend - Extends your Android data plan

An ingenious app that could save you money on your 3G, Onavo Extend essentially compresses the amount of data you’re using, finding some pretty impressive savings for you in the process. If you often find yourself going over your data limit, then you need to grab this app right now.

GMD Gesture Control - Use multi-touch gestures to navigate your Android device

Price: $5.9

GMD Gesture Control - Use multi-touch gestures to navigate your Android device

GMD Gesture Control - Use multi-touch gestures to navigate your Android device

There are some things the iPad does out of the box that your Android device simple doesn’t, and chief among them is multi-touch gestures. But, if your Android is rooted, you can buy GMD Gesture Control from the Play store and set up and use custom swipes to change applications, | close what you’re working on and an awful | lot more.

Shush! - Turn your ringer back on after a set time

Price: Free

Shush! - Turn your ringer back on after a set time

Shush! - Turn your ringer back on after a set time

Shush! is a clever, free application that lets you set a time limit for turning your phone on silent. Mute your phone and Shush! will then pop up to ask you how long you want it to be quiet. This essential download means you’ll never miss an important call because you forgot to put your ringer on again.

Filter - Dim your screen far more than the native settings allow

Price: Free

Filter - Dim your screen far more than the native settings allow

Filter - Dim your screen far more than the native settings allow

Staring at a screen is a decent way to get a headache, and while Android has built-in brightness controls, sometimes they’re not enough. That’s where Screen Filter comes in. Fine grained controls let you set your level, and you can even use Locale or Tasker to change brightness.

Waze - Community generated traffic alerts

Price: Free

Waze - Community generated traffic alerts

Waze - Community generated traffic alerts

Waze is designed so you don’t have to combat the long commute to work alone. It’s a social network for drivers that lets you add alerts and recommendations to keep others abreast of what the flow of traffic is like. Just driving with the app open sends details to the Waze servers about traffic speed. A great idea that can only get better as more people pick it up.

Sidebar Pro - Adds a swipeable sidebar to your Android experience

Price: $1.99

Sidebar Pro - Adds a swipeable sidebar to your Android experience

Sidebar Pro - Adds a swipeable sidebar to your Android experience

Sidebar Pro makes the most of the swipeable nature of touchscreen devices, letting you drag a customizable bar in from the side of the screen. You can access your favorite apps, kill programs that are running in the background, and flip a series of toggles. Clever and elegant, Sidebar Pro adds an extra level of control to your overall Android experience that feels like it should always have been there.

Zooper Widget - Build your own custom time and weather widget

Price: $1.99

Zooper Widget - Build your own custom time and weather widget

Zooper Widget - Build your own custom time and weather widget

The Android OS is all about individuality. There are so many layers of changes you can make to your phone or tablet that there’s no reason two devices should ever look alike. Zooper Widget embraces that philosophy wholeheartedly, letting you create your own unique widget using the parameters of the app. You can choose your font, positioning, angle and the information that the widget displays. Best of all, it’s a widget built with your device’s battery in mind, designed only to use power when you want it to. There’s a huge amount to customize, and some great templates to start you off too. Along with a clock and the weather, you can add your calendar to the widget and keep up to date with what you’re supposed to be doing. Smart and brilliantly designed, Zooper Widget manages to capture the Android ethos - it’s stylish, individual and it just works.

Feedly - A gorgeous RSS reader designed for Android devices

Price: Free

Feedly - A gorgeous RSS reader designed for Android devices

Feedly - A gorgeous RSS reader designed for Android devices

An RSS reader might not sound like the sort of app you’d put on a list concerning cutting-edge innovation, but Feedly is such a unique way to keep up to date with your favorite sites and blogs it’d be wrong not to. Slick, polished and special, try this and you’ll never go back.

Device Info Ex Live Wallpaper - Displays pertinent information about your Android device

Price: $0.99

Device Info Ex Live Wallpaper - Displays pertinent information about your Android device

Device Info Ex Live Wallpaper - Displays pertinent information about your Android device

Live wallpaper is cool, but it’s rarely useful for anything other than showing off. That’s where Device Info Ex Live Wallpaper comes in. Using this app you can use your wallpaper to display a mind boggling array of facts and figures about your device, from internal memory usage to CPU specifications.

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