
LINQ to Objects : How to Join with Data in Another Sequence (part 2) - One-to-One Joins - The join Operator

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2. One-to-One Joins

A one-to-one join allows data from two different sequences related to each other by a common key value to be accessible in the select projection of a query. One-to-one joins are very commonplace in relational database systems, where the central theme is separating data into multiple tables related by parent and child key relationships. This process is called normalization. Although LINQ to Objects supports most of the common join types available in a relational database, it is not always the most efficient way to work with large volumes of data.


A relational database will out-perform LINQ to Objects in cases where data volume is large. The join features across object collections should be used for local fine-tuning of data retrieved from a database, not in place of that database engine.

There are a number of ways to achieve one-to-one joins using LINQ, which include

  • Using the join (or Join) operator

  • Using a subquery in the select projection

  • Using the SingleOrDefault operator in the select projection

  • Using a cross join with a where filter

Each technique for one-to-one joining is covered in detail in this section, including the relative performance of each .

Table 1. One-to-One Join Techniques and Their Performance Comparisons
TechniqueMany Record PerformanceSingle Record PerformanceComments
Using the join (or Join) operatorBestWorstUse the join syntax whenever you are working with five or more outer element records. Builds a lookup on the inner keys first, avoiding repetitive looping in subsequent outer iterations.
Using a subquery in the select projectionGoodGoodUse the SingleOrDefault syntax rather than a subquery. There is no benefit to using a subquery.
Using the SingleOrDefault operator in the select projectionGoodBestUse SingleOrDefault syntax whenever you are working with a single (or minimal number of) outer records.
Using a cross join with a where filterWorstGoodOnly use when a cross join is actually needed. Never use when there are many records—will result in very poor performance.

To add clarity it is necessary to depart from our running example data and use a very simple set of sample data to allow you to focus on the mechanics of the join syntax. The key field in this case is a string type, but any type can be used (integer values for instance if you retrieved data from primary keys in a database table).

Table 2. Sample Data Used for Demonstrating Joining Multiple Data Sources
KeyNameKeyOrder Number
GOT1GottshallGOT1Order 1
VAL1ValdesGOT1Order 2
GAU1GauwainDEA1Order 3
DEA1DeaneDEA1Order 4
ZEE1ZeemanZEE1Order 5

2.1 The join (or Join) Operator

The simplest join of this type is built using the join operator in the query expression syntax, or the Join operator in extension method syntax. The query expression syntax for a join takes the following general form:

from [outer sequence
join [inner sequence] on
[outer key selector] equals [inner key selector]
select [result selector]

To understand the behavior of this operator, the following code shows a basic example of linking two arrays of strings:

string[] outer = new string[] { "a", "b", "c", "d" };
string[] inner = new string[] { "b", "c", "d", "e" };

var q = from s1 in outer
join s2 in inner on s1 equals s2
select string.Format(
"Outer: {0} Inner: {1}", s1, s2);

foreach (string s in q)

The output of this code is

Outer: b Inner: b
Outer: c Inner: c
Outer: d Inner: d

Notice that any outer element with a matching inner element is included in the result sequence, and the select projection has access to both strings in this case (s1 and s2). Also notice that any elements where the key values didn’t match are skipped. This is called an inner join by relational database dictionaries, and you can simply think of it in these terms: Any record without a matching key value (a null key value for instance) is skipped.

To demonstrate how to use the join syntax over the data shown in Table 2, Listing 2 shows how to achieve an inner join from an order(s) to access all the customer data (in this case to retrieve the LastName property in the Select projection). The output from this code is shown in Output 2.

Listing 2. Simple join example between two collections—see Output 2. Notice there are no entries for Valdes or Gauwain.
var customers = Customer.SampleData();
var orders = Order.SampleData();

var q1 = from o in orders
join c in customers on
o.CustomerID equals c.CustomerID
select new

foreach (var order in q1)
"Customer: {0} Order Number: {1}",
order.LastName.PadRight(9, ' '),

Output 2.
Customer: Gottshall   Order Number: Order 1
Customer: Gottshall Order Number: Order 2
Customer: Deane Order Number: Order 3
Customer: Deane Order Number: Order 4
Customer: Zeeman Order Number: Order 5
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