
SQL Injection : Platform-Level Defenses - Securing the Database

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When an attacker has an exploitable SQL injection vulnerability, he can take one of two primary exploit paths. He can go after the application data itself, which depending on the application and the data could be very lucrative. This is especially true if the application handles and insecurely stores personally identifiable information or financial data, such as bank account and credit card information. Alternatively, the attacker may be interested in leveraging the database server to penetrate internal, trusted networks. In this section, we’re going to look at ways to limit unauthorized access to application data. Then we’ll look at some techniques for hardening the database server to help prevent privilege escalation and limiting access to server resources outside the context of the target database server. You should fully test the steps we’ll be covering in a non-production environment first, to avoid breaking the functionality of existing applications. New applications have the benefit of building these recommendations into the development life cycle early to avoid dependencies on unnecessary and privileged functionality.

Locking Down the Application Data

Let’s first examine some techniques restricting the scope of an SQL injection attack to the application database only. We’re also going to look at ways to restrict access even if the attacker has been successfully sandboxed to the application database.

Use the Least-Privileged Database Login

Applications should connect to the database server in the context of a login that has permissions for performing required application tasks only. This critical defense can significantly mitigate the risk of SQL injection, by restricting what an attacker can access and execute when exploiting the vulnerable application. For example, a Web application used for reporting purposes, such as checking the performance of your investment portfolio, should ideally access the database with a login that has inherited only the permissions on objects (stored procedures, tables, etc.) needed to produce this data. This could be EXECUTE permissions on several stored procedures and possibly SELECT permissions on a handful of table columns. In the event of SQL injection, this would at least limit the possible set of commands to the stored procedures and tables within the application database and prevent malicious SQL outside this context, such as dropping tables or executing operating system commands. It’s important to remember that even with this mitigating control the attacker may still be able to circumvent business rules and view the portfolio data of another user.

To determine the permissions assigned to a database login, find its role membership and remove any unnecessary or privileged roles, such as the public or database administrator role. Ideally, the login should be a member of one (or possibly more) custom application roles. A follow-up step is to audit permissions assigned to custom application roles to ensure that they are locked down appropriately. During a database audit, it is very common to find unnecessary UPDATE or INSERT permissions assigned to custom application roles intended for read-only access. These audit and subsequent cleanup steps can be performed with graphical management tools that often accompany the database server platform or with SQL via the query console.

Revoke PUBLIC Permissions

Every database server platform has a default role to which every login belongs, usually called the public role, which has a default set of permissions that includes access to system objects. Attackers use this default access to query system catalogs to map out database schema and target the juiciest tables for subsequent querying, such as those storing application login credentials. The public role is also assigned permission to execute built-in system stored procedures, packages, and functions used for administrative purposes.

Usually you cannot drop the public role; however, it is recommended that you not grant additional permissions to the public role, because each database user inherits the permissions of this role. You should revoke public role permissions from as many system objects as possible. Additionally, you must revoke superfluous permissions granted to the public role on custom database objects (such as application tables and stored procedures) unless a justifiable reason for the permissions exists. If necessary, you should assign database permissions to a custom role that you can use to grant a default level of access to specific users and groups.

Use Stored Procedures

From a security perspective, you should encapsulate application SQL queries within stored procedures and grant only EXEC permissions on those objects. All other permissions, such as SELECT, INSERT, and so on, on the underlying objects can be revoked. In the event of SQL injection, a least-privileged database login that has only EXECUTE permissions on application stored procedures makes it more difficult to return arbitrary result sets to the browser. This does not guarantee safety from SQL injection, as the insecure code could not lie within the stored procedure itself. Additionally, it may be possible to obtain result sets via other means, such as with blind SQL injection techniques.

Use Strong Cryptography to Protect Stored Sensitive Data

A key mitigating control against unauthorized viewing of sensitive data in the database is the use of strong cryptography. The options include storing a mathematical hash of the data (rather than the data itself) or storing the data encrypted with a symmetric algorithm. In both cases, you should use only public algorithms deemed cryptographically strong. You should avoid homegrown cryptographic solutions at all costs.

If the data itself does not require storage, consider an appropriately derived mathematical hash instead. An example of this is data used for challenging the identity of a user, such as passwords or security question answers. If an attacker is able to view the table storing this data, only password hashes will be returned. The attacker must go through the time-consuming exercise of cracking password hashes to obtain the actual credentials. Another clear benefit to hashing is that it eliminates the key management issues associated with encryption. To stay consistent with security best practices, ensure that the hashing algorithm of choice has not been determined mathematically susceptible to collisions, such as MD5 and SHA-1. 

If you must store sensitive data, protect it with a strong symmetric encryption algorithm such as Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) or Triple DES (Data Encryption Standard). The primary challenge to encrypting sensitive data is storing the key in a location that the attacker cannot access easily. You should never store encryption keys client-side, and the best server-side solution for key storage usually depends on the application architecture. If the key can be provided at runtime, this is ideal as it will only reside in memory on the server (and depending on the application framework it can be possible to protect it while in memory). However, on-the-fly key generation is usually not feasible or practical in most enterprise application environments. One possible solution is to store the key in a protected location on the application server so that the attacker needs to compromise both the database server and the application server to decrypt it. In a Windows environment, you can use the Data Protection API (DPAPI) to encrypt application data and leverage the operating system to securely store the key. Another Windows-specific option is storing the key in the Windows Registry, which is a more complex storage format than a flat text file and therefore could be more challenging to view depending on the level of unauthorized access gained by the attacker. When operating system specific storage options are not available (such as with a Linux server), you should store the key (or secret used to derive it) on a protected area of the file system with strict file system ACLs applied. It’s also worth noting that as of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and Oracle Database 10g Release 2, both support column-level encryption natively. However, these nice built-in features do not provide much additional protection against SQL injection, as this information will usually be transparently decrypted for the application.

Maintaining an Audit Trail

Maintaining an audit trail of access on application database objects is critical; however, many applications don’t do this at the database level. Without an audit trail, it is difficult to know whether the integrity of application data has been maintained given an SQL injection attack. The server transaction log might provide some detail; however, this log contains systemwide database transactions, making it hard to track down application-specific transactions. All stored procedures could be updated to incorporate auditing logic; however, a better solution is database triggers. You can use triggers to monitor actions performed on application tables, and you don’t have to modify existing stored procedures to begin taking advantage of this functionality. Essentially, you can easily add this type of functionality to existing applications without having to modify any data access code. When using triggers, it’s important to keep the logic simple to avoid possible performance penalties associated with the additional code, and to ensure that the trigger logic is written securely to avoid SQL injection within these objects. Let’s take a closer look at Oracle database triggers to better understand how triggers can be leveraged to detect possible SQL injection attacks.

Oracle Error Triggers

Oracle offers a feature called database triggers. These triggers can fire databasewide in case of special events such as the creation of a Data Definition Language (DDL; e.g., DDL trigger) or a database error (e.g., ERROR trigger). This offers a simple and easy way to detect SQL injection attempts.

In most cases, SQL injection attempts, at least in the beginning of an attack, will create error messages such as “ORA-01756 Single quote not properly terminated” or “ORA-01789 Query block has incorrect number of result columns”. The number of these error messages is small, and in most cases they are unique to SQL injection attacks, therefore keeping the number of false positives low.

The following code will find and document SQL injection attempts in an Oracle database:

-- Purpose: Oracle Database Error Trigger to detect SQL injection Attacks
-- Version: v 0.9
-- Works against: Oracle 9i, 10g and 11g
-- Author: Alexander Kornbrust of Red-Database-Security GmbH
-- must run as user SYS
-- latest version:
-- Create a table containing the error messages
create table system.oraerror (

log_date DATE,
log_usr VARCHAR2(30),
terminal VARCHAR2(50),
err_nr NUMBER(10),
err_msg VARCHAR2(4000),
stmt CLOB
-- Create a sequence with unique numbers
create sequence system.oraerror_seq
start with 1
increment by 1
minvalue 1
   pragma autonomous_transaction;
   id NUMBER;
   sql_text ORA_NAME_LIST_T;
   v_stmt CLOB;
   n NUMBER;
   SELECT oraerror_seq.nextval INTO id FROM dual;
   n := ora_sql_txt(sql_text);
   IF n >= 1
   FOR i IN 1..n LOOP
   v_stmt := v_stmt || sql_text(i);
   END IF;
   FOR n IN 1..ora_server_error_depth LOOP
   - log only potential SQL injection attempts
   -- alternatively it’s possible to log everything
   IF ora_server_error(n) in (’900’,’906’,’907’,’911’,’917’,’920’,’923’,’933’,’970’,
      -- insert the attempt including the SQL statement into a table
      INSERT INTO system.oraerror VALUES (id, sysdate, ora_login_user, ora_client_
      ip_address, ora_server_error(n), ora_server_error_msg(n), v_stmt);
      -- send the information via email to the DBA
      -- <<Insert your PLSQL code for sending emails >>
   END IF;
END after_error;


Locking Down the Database Server

Once the application data has been secured, you still need to take a few additional steps to harden the database server itself. In a nutshell, you want to make sure the systemwide configuration is secured in a manner that is consistent with the security principle of least privilege and that the database server software is up to date and patched. If you comply with these two key directives, it will be very difficult for an attacker to access anything outside the scope of the intended application data. Let’s take a closer look at some specific recommendations.

Additional Lockdown of System Objects

Besides revoking public role permissions on system objects, consider taking additional steps to further lock down access to privileged objects, such as those used for system administration, executing operating system commands, and making network connections. Although these features are useful to database administrators, they are also just as useful (if not more so) to an attacker who has gained direct access to the database. Consider restricting by ensuring that superfluous permissions are not granted to application roles, disabling access to privileged objects systemwide via server configuration, or dropping from the server completely (to avoid reenabling should privilege escalation occur).

On Oracle, you should restrict the ability to run operating system commands and to access files on the operating system level from the database. To ensure that (PL/)SQL injection problems cannot be used to run operating system commands or access files, do not grant the following privileges to the Web application user: CREATE ANY LIBRARY, CREATE ANY DIRECTORY, ALTER SYSTEM, or CREATE JOB. Also, you should remove the PUBLIC grant at least from the following packages if it is not needed: UTL_FILE, UTL_ TCP, UTL_MAIL, UTL_SMTP, UTL_INADDR, DBMS_ADVISOR, DBMS_SQL, and DBMS_XMLGEN. If the functionality of these packages is required it should be used only via secure application roles.

In SQL Server, you should consider dropping dangerous stored procedures such as xp_cmdshell, as well as the procedures that match xp_reg?, xp_instancereg?, and sp_OA?. If this is not feasible, audit these objects and revoke any permissions that were unnecessarily assigned.

Restrict Ad Hoc Querying

Microsoft SQL Server supports a command called OPENROWSET to query remote and local data sources. Remote querying is useful in that it can be leveraged to attack other database servers on connected networks. Querying the local server with this function allows an attacker to reauthenticate to the server in the context of a more privileged SQL Server database login. You can disable this feature in the Windows Registry by setting DisallowAdhocAccess to 1 for each data provider at HKLM\Software\Microsoft\ MSSQLServer\Providers.

Similarly, Oracle supports ad hoc querying of remote servers via database links. By default, a normal user does not require this privilege and you should remove it from the account. Check the CREATE DATABASE LINK privilege (part of the connect role until Oracle 10.1) to ensure that only required logins and roles are assigned to avoid attackers creating new links.

Strengthen Controls Surrounding Authentication

You should review all database logins, and disable or delete those that are unnecessary, such as default accounts. Additionally, you should enable password strength within the database server to prevent lazy administrators from selecting weak passwords. Attackers can leverage weakly protected accounts to reauthenticate to the database server and potentially elevate privilege. Lastly, enable server auditing to monitor suspicious activity, especially failed logins.

In SQL Server databases, consider exclusive use of Integrated Windows Authentication in favor of the less secure SQL Server Authentication. When you do this, attackers will be unable to reauthenticate using something such as OPENROWSET; in addition, it reduces the possibility of sniffing passwords over the network, and can leverage the Windows operating system to enforce strong password and account controls.

Run in the Context of the Least-Privileged Operating System Account

If an attacker is able to break outside the context of the database server and gain access to the underlying operating system, it is critical that this occurs in the context of the least-privileged operating system account. You should configure database server software running on ?nix systems to run in the context of an account that is a member of a custom group that has minimal file system permissions to run the software. By default, SQL Server 2005 and later installers will select the minimally privileged NETWORK SERVICE account for running SQL Server.

Tools & Traps…

SQL Server Taking Security Seriously

The good news is that starting with SQL Server 2005, Microsoft included a handy configuration utility called SQL Server Service Area Configuration, which makes it really easy to disable most of the functionality that an attacker could abuse. Previous versions of SQL Server required running Transact-SQL statements or modifying the Windows Registry. Even better, most of the dangerous features are disabled by default.

Ensure That the Database Server Software Is Patched

Keeping software up to date with the current patch level is a fundamental security principle, but it’s easy to overlook given that database servers are not Internet-facing systems. An attacker can exploit server vulnerabilities via an application-level SQL injection vulnerability just as easily as though he were on the same network as the database server. The exploit payload could be a sequence of SQL commands that exploit an SQL injection vulnerability in a PL/SQL package, or even shell code to exploit a buffer overflow in an extended stored procedure. Automated update mechanisms are ideal for keeping up to date. You can keep SQL Server up to date with Windows Update ( Oracle database administrators can check for current updates by signing up with the Oracle MetaLink service ( Third-party patch management systems are another way to keep patch levels current. Table 1 shows commands that can help you determine the version of the database server software for SQL Server and Oracle. Also included in the table are links for checking the version information to tell whether your database server is completely patched.

Table 1. Determining SQL Server/Oracle Database Server Versions
DatabaseCommandVersion Reference
SQL Server
select @@version
VersionDatabase/tabid/63/ Default.aspx
-- show database version
select * from v$version;
-- show version of
installed components
select * from dba_registry;
- show patchlevel
select * from
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  •  SQL Injection : Platform-Level Defenses - Using Runtime Protection (part 1) - Web Application Firewalls
  •  SQL Injection : Code-Level Defenses - Designing to Avoid the Dangers of SQL Injection
  •  SQL Injection : Code-Level Defenses - Canonicalization
  •  SQL Injection : Code-Level Defenses - Encoding Output
  •  Upgrading and Converting to Access 2010 : TO CONVERT OR TO ENABLE
  •  Oracle Database 11g : Database Fundamentals - Learn the Basic Oracle Database 11g Data Types, Work with Tables, Work with Stored Programmed Objects
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