
MySQL : The Binary Log - The mysqlbinlog Utility (part 1) - Basic Usage

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One of the more useful tools available to an administrator is the client program mysqlbinlog. This is a small program that can investigate the contents of binlog files as well as relay logfiles . In addition to reading binlog files locally, mysqlbinlog can also fetch binlog files remotely from other servers.


The mysqlbinlog tool normally outputs the contents of the binary log in a form that can be executed by sending them to a running server. When statement-based replication is employed, the statements executed are emitted as SQL statements. For row-based replication,mysqlbinlog generates some additional data necessary to handle row-based replication.

1. Basic Usage

Let’s start with a simple example where we create a binlog file and then look at it using mysqlbinlog. We will start up a client connected to the master and execute the following commands to see how they end up in the binary log:

mysqld1> RESET MASTER;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysqld1> CREATE TABLE employee (
-> name CHAR(64) NOT NULL,
-> email CHAR(64),
-> password CHAR(64),
-> );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysqld1> SET @password = PASSWORD('xyzzy');
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysqld1> INSERT INTO employee(name,email,password)
-> VALUES ('mats','[email protected]',@password);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

| Log_name | File_size |
| mysqld1-bin.000038 | 670 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Let’s now use mysqlbinlog to dump the contents of the binlog file master-bin.000038, which is where all the commands ended up. The output shown in Example 1 has been edited slightly to fit the page.

Example 1. Output from execution of mysqlbinlog
$ sudo mysqlbinlog                       \
> --short-form \
> --force-if-open \
> --base64-output=never \
> /var/lib/mysql1/mysqld1-bin.000038
1 /*!40019 SET @@session.max_insert_delayed_threads=0*/;
3 DELIMITER /*!*/;
4 ROLLBACK/*!*/;
5 use test/*!*/;
6 SET TIMESTAMP=1264227693/*!*/;
7 SET @@session.pseudo_thread_id=999999999/*!*/;
8 SET @@session.foreign_key_checks=1, @@session.sql_auto_is_null=1,
@@session.unique_checks=1, @@session.autocommit=1/*!*/;
9 SET @@session.sql_mode=0/*!*/;
10 SET @@session.auto_increment_increment=1,
11 /*!\C latin1 *//*!*/;
12 SET @@session.character_set_client=8,@@session.collation_connection=8,
13 SET @@session.lc_time_names=0/*!*/;
14 SET @@session.collation_database=DEFAULT/*!*/;
15 CREATE TABLE employee (
17 name CHAR(64) NOT NULL,
18 email CHAR(64),
19 password CHAR(64),
21 ) ENGINE=InnoDB
22 /*!*/;
23 SET TIMESTAMP=1264227693/*!*/;
25 /*!*/;
26 SET INSERT_ID=1/*!*/;
27 SET @`password`:=_latin1 0x2A31353141463... COLLATE `latin1_swedish_ci`/*!*/;
28 SET TIMESTAMP=1264227693/*!*/;
29 INSERT INTO employee(name,email,password)
30 VALUES ('mats','[email protected]',@password)
31 /*!*/;
32 COMMIT/*!*/;
34 # End of log file
35 ROLLBACK /* added by mysqlbinlog */;

To get this output, we use three options:


With this option, mysqlbinlog prints only information about the SQL statements issued, and leaves out comments with information about the events in the binary log. This option is useful when mysqlbinlog is used only to play back the events to a server. If you want to investigate the binary log for problems, you will need these comments and should not use this option.


If the binlog file is not closed properly, either because the binlog file is still being written to or because the server crashed, mysqlbinlog will print a warning that this binlog file was not closed properly. This option prevents the printing of that warning.


This prevents mysqlbinlog from printing base64-encoded events. If mysqlbinlog has to print base64-encoded events, it will also print the Format description event of the binary log to show the encoding used. For statement-based replication, this is not necessary, so this option is used to suppress that event.

In Example 1, lines 1–4 contain the preamble printed in every output. Line 3 sets a delimiter that is unlikely to occur elsewhere in the file. The delimiter is also designed to appear as a comment in processing languages that do not recognize the setting of the delimiter.

The rollback on line 4 is issued to ensure the output is not accidentally put inside a transaction because a transaction was started on the client before the output was fed into the client.

We can skip momentarily to the end of the output—lines 33–35—to see the counterpart to lines 1–4. They restore the values set in the preamble and roll back any open transaction. This is necessary in case the binlog file was truncated in the middle of a transaction, to prevent any SQL code following this output from being included in a transaction.

The use statement on line 5 is printed whenever the database is changed. Even though the binary log specifies the current database before each SQL statement, mysqlbinlog shows only the changes to the current database. When a use statement appears, it is the first line of a new event.

The first line that is guaranteed to be in the output for each event is SET TIMESTAMP, as shown on lines 6 and 23. This statement gives the timestamp when the event started executing in seconds since the epoch.

Lines 8–14 contain general settings, but like use on line 5, they are printed only for the first event and whenever their values change.

Because the INSERT statement on lines 29–30 is inserting into a table with an autoincrement column using a user-defined variable, the INSERT_ID session variable on line 26 and the user-defined variable on line 27 are set before the statement. This is the result of the Intvar and User_var events in the binary log.

If you omit the --short-form option, each event in the output will be preceded by some comments about the event that generated the lines. You can see these comments, which start with hash marks (#) in Example 2.

Example 2. Interpreting the comments in mysqlbinlog output
$ sudo mysqlbinlog                       \
> --force-if-open \
> --base64-output=never \
> /var/lib/mysql1/mysqld1-bin.000038
1 # at 386
2 #100123 7:21:33 server id 1 end_log_pos 414 Intvar
3 SET INSERT_ID=1/*!*/;
4 # at 414
5 #100123 7:21:33 server id 1 end_log_pos 496 User_var
6 SET @`password`:=_latin1 0x2A313531...838 COLLATE `latin1_swedish_ci`/*!*/;
7 # at 496
8 #100123 7:21:33 server id 1 end_log_pos 643
Query thread_id=6 exec_time=0 error_code=0
9 SET TIMESTAMP=1264227693/*!*/;
10 INSERT INTO employee(name,email,password)
11 VALUES ('mats','[email protected]',@password)
12 /*!*/;
13 # at 643
14 #100123 7:21:33 server id 1 end_log_pos 670 Xid = 218
15 COMMIT/*!*/;
17 # End of log file
18 ROLLBACK /* added by mysqlbinlog */;

The first line of the comment gives the byte position of the event, and the second line contains other information about the event. Consider, for example, the INSERT statement line:

# at 496
#100123 7:21:33 server id 1 end_log_pos 643 Query thread_id=6
exec_time=0 error_code=0

The various parts of the comments have the following meanings:

at 496

The byte position where the event starts; that is, the first byte of the event.

100123 7:21:33

The timestamp of the event as a datetime (date plus time). This is the time when the query started executing or when the events were written to the binary log.

server_id 1

The server ID of the server that generated the event. This server ID is used to set the pseudo_thread_id session variable, and a line setting this variable is printed if the event is thread-specific and the server ID is different from the previously printed ID.

end_log_pos 643

The byte position of the event that follows this event. By taking the difference between this value and the position where the event starts, you can get the length of the event.


The type of event. In Example 2, you can see several different types of events, such as User_var, Intvar, and Xid.

The fields after these are event-specific, and hence different for each event. For the Query event, we can see two additional fields:


The ID of the thread that executed the event. This is used to handle thread-specific queries, such as queries that access temporary tables.


The execution time of the query in seconds.

Example 1 and Example 2 dump the output of a single file, but mysqlbinlog accepts multiple files as well. If several binlog files are given, they will be processed in order.


The files are printed in the order you request them, and there is no checking that the Rotate event ending each file refers to the next file in sequence. The responsibility for ensuring that these binlog files make up part of a real binary log lies on the user.

Thanks to the way the binlog files are named, submitting multiple files to mysqlbinlog—such as by using * as a file-globbing wildcard—is usually not a problem. Let's look at what happens when the binlog file counter, which is used as an extension to the filename, goes from 999999 to 1000000:

$ ls mysqld1-bin.[0-9]*
mysqld1-bin.000007 mysqld1-bin.000011 mysqld1-bin.000039
mysqld1-bin.000008 mysqld1-bin.000035 mysqld1-bin.1000000
mysqld1-bin.000009 mysqld1-bin.000037 mysqld1-bin.999998
mysqld1-bin.000010 mysqld1-bin.000038 mysqld1-bin.999999

As you can see, the last binlog file to be created is listed before the two binlog files that are earlier in binary log order. So it is worth checking the names of the files before you use wildcards.

Since your binlog files are usually pretty large, you won’t want to print the entire contents of the binlog files and browse them. Instead, there are a few options you can use to limit the output so that only a range of the events is printed.

start-position= bytepos

The byte position of the first event to dump. Note that if several binlog files are supplied to mysqlbinlog, this position will be interpreted as the position in the first file in the sequence.

If an event does not start at the position given, mysqlbinlog will still try to interpret the bytes starting at that position as an event, which usually leads to garbage output.

stop-position= bytepos

The byte position of the last event to print. If no event ends at that position, the last event printed will be the event with a position that precedes bytepos. If multiple binlog files are given, the position will be the position of the last file in the sequence.

start-datetime= datetime

Prints only events that have a timestamp at or after datetime. This will work correctly when multiple files are given—if all events of a file are before the datetime, all events will be skipped—but there is no checking that the events are printed in order according to their timestamps.

stop-datetime= datetime

Prints only events that have a timestamp before datetime. This is an exclusive range, meaning that if an event is marked 2010-01-24 07:58:32 and that exact datetime is given, the event will not be printed.

Note that since the timestamp of the event uses the start time of the statement but events are ordered in the binary log based on the commit time, it is possible to have events with a timestamp that comes before the timestamp of the preceding event. Since mysqlbinlog stops at the first event with a timestamp outside the range, there might be events that aren’t displayed because they have timestamps before datetime.

1.1. Reading remote files

As well as reading files on a local filesystem, the mysqlbinlog utility can also read binlog files from a remote server. It does this by using the same mechanism that the slaves use to connect to a master and ask for events. This can be practical in some cases, since it does not require a shell account on the machine to read the binlog files, just a user on the server with REPLICATION SLAVE privileges.

To handle remote reading of binlog files, include the --read-from-remote-server option along with a host and user for connecting to the server, and optionally a port (if different from the default) and a password.

When reading from a remote server, give just the name of the binlog file, not the full path.

So to read the Query event from Example 2 remotely, the command would look something like the following (the server prompts for a password, but it is not output when you enter it):

$ sudo mysqlbinlog
> --read-from-remote-server
> --base64-output=never
> --user=repl_user --password
> --start-position=386 --stop-position=643
> mysqld1-bin.000038
Enter password:
/*!40019 SET @@session.max_insert_delayed_threads=0*/;
# at 386
#100123 7:21:33 server id 1 end_log_pos 0 Start: binlog v 4,
server v 5.1.37-1ubuntu5-log created 100123 7:21:33
# at 386
#100123 7:21:33 server id 1 end_log_pos 414 Intvar
# at 414
#100123 7:21:33 server id 1 end_log_pos 496 User_var
SET @`password`:=_latin1 0x2A3135314146364...38 COLLATE `latin1_swedish_ci`/*!*/;
# at 496
#100123 7:21:33 server id 1 end_log_pos 643 Query thread_id=6
exec_time=0 error_code=0
use test/*!*/;
SET TIMESTAMP=1264227693/*!*/;
SET @@session.pseudo_thread_id=6/*!*/;
SET @@session.foreign_key_checks=1, @@session.sql_auto_is_null=1,
@@session.unique_checks=1, @@session.autocommit=1/*!*/;
SET @@session.sql_mode=0/*!*/;
SET @@session.auto_increment_increment=1, @@session.auto_increment_offset=1/*!*/;
/*!\C latin1 *//*!*/;
SET @@session.character_set_client=8, @@session.collation_connection=8,
SET @@session.lc_time_names=0/*!*/;
SET @@session.collation_database=DEFAULT/*!*/;
INSERT INTO employee(name,email,password)
VALUES ('mats','[email protected]',@password)
# End of log file
ROLLBACK /* added by mysqlbinlog */;
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