
Programming Microsoft SQL Server 2005: Using the Data Mining Wizard and Data Mining Designer (part 5) - Viewing Mining Models

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Viewing Mining Models

SSAS provides algorithm-specific mining model viewers within Visual Studio Analysis Services projects (and in SQL Server Management Studio—more on that later) that greatly ease the otherwise daunting task of interpreting a model’s contents, observed patterns, and correlations. The visualization tools provided by the viewers thus make data mining accessible to a larger audience than do traditional data mining products.

Take, for example, clustering, which is used to create subsets (clusters) of your data that share common characteristics. Imagine trying to digest the implications of a clustering model with 10 customer clusters defined on 8, 10, or 12 characteristics. How would you figure out the identifying characteristics of each cluster? How could you determine whether the resulting clusters are similar or dissimilar? The Microsoft Cluster Viewer makes it extremely easy to answer such questions. We’ll see how next.

Using the Cluster Viewer

After you have deployed and processed all of the mining models in the CustomerProfitCategory mining structure, you will be brought to the Mining Model Viewer tab. If it’s not already selected, choose CustomerProfitCategory_CL from the Mining Model drop-down list. Then choose Microsoft Cluster Viewer from the Viewer drop-down list. The Cluster Viewer offers four ways to view the results of a clustering model: Cluster Diagram, Cluster Profiles, Cluster Characteristics, and Cluster Discrimination. A separate tab is provided for each of these visualization tools.

Cluster Diagram

The Cluster Diagram tab of the Cluster Viewer contains a diagram in which each “bubble” represents a cluster from the model. The cluster diagram uses color to indicate data density: the darker the bubble, the more records that cluster contains. You control the actual variable and value indicated by the shading by using the Shading Variable and State drop-down lists; you can select any input or predictable column. For example, if you select ProfitCategory from the Shading Variable drop-down list and select High from the State drop-down list, the diagram will configure itself so that darker clusters contain a greater number of high-profit customers relative to lighter ones. This is shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11. The Cluster Diagram tab of the Cluster Viewer

The darkest bubbles are 3, 5, and 9—these are the clusters with a relatively large concentration of high-profit customers. Hovering the mouse pointer over a cluster displays the exact percentage of customers in that cluster who are in the high-profit category. Now select IncomeGroup from the Shading Variable drop-down list and select High from the State drop-down list. The clusters 9, 6, and 3 should now be the darkest bubbles. Select IsCarOwner from the Shading Variable drop-down list and N from the State drop-down list. The darkest clusters should now be 8, 7, and 5.

By examining the cluster characteristics in this manner, we can assign more meaningful names to the clusters. You can rename a cluster by right-clicking the cluster in the diagram and choosing Rename. For example, you can right-click cluster 3 and rename it “High Profit, High Income, Car Owner” and then right-click cluster 5 and rename it “High Profit, Lower Income, Less Likely Car Owner.”

The clusters are arranged in the diagram according to their similarity. The shorter and darker the line connecting the bubbles, the more similar the clusters. By default, all links are shown in the diagram. By using the slider to the left of the diagram, you can remove weaker links and identify which clusters are the most similar.

Cluster Profiles

The Cluster Profiles tab, shown in Figure 12, displays the distribution of input and predictable variables for each customer cluster and for the entire population of customers. This tab is particularly useful for getting an overall picture of the clusters created by the mining model. Using the cluster profiles, you can easily compare attributes across clusters and analyze cluster attributes relative to the model’s full data population.

Figure 12. The Cluster Profile tab of the Cluster Viewer

The distribution of discrete attributes is shown using a colored bar. By default, the Cluster Profile tab shows the four most common categories in the population with all others grouped into a fifth category. You can change the number of categories by increasing or decreasing the number in the Histogram Bars text box. Go to the row showing the IncomeGroup attribute and then scroll to the right to see how the distribution of IncomeGroup varies across the clusters. Compare the histogram bar between the population “High Profit, High Income, Car Owner” and “High Profit, Lower Income, Less Likely Car Owner” clusters. (You might need to click the Refresh Viewer Content button at the top of the Mining Model Viewer tab in order to see the new names of your clusters.) The histogram bar for the population is divided into three relatively equal segments because the population has relatively equal numbers of customers in the high, moderate, and low income groups. In contrast, the High Income segment of the histogram bar for the “High Profit, High Income, Car Owner” cluster is larger than the other income segments for that cluster because it has relatively more customers that are in the High Income group. The High Income segment of the histogram bar for the “High Profit, Lower Income, Less Likely Car Owner” cluster is virtually indiscernible. If you hover your mouse pointer over the histogram bar, however, you can see that the High Income segment comprises 0.5 percent of the bar.

The distribution of continuous characteristics is shown using a bar and diamond chart. Go to the row showing the age attribute. The black bar represents the range of ages in the cluster, with the median age at the midpoint of the bar. The midpoint of the diamond represents the average age of the customers in the cluster. The standard deviation (a statistical measure of how spread-out the data is) of age for the cluster is indicated by the size of the diamond. Compare the diamond chart between the population and the “High Profit, High Income, Car Owner” and “High Profit, Lower Income, Less Likely Car Owner” clusters. The higher and flatter diamond for the “High Profit, High Income, Car Owner” cluster indicates that customers in that cluster are relatively older than in the total population and that the age variation in the cluster is less than in the total population. You can hover the mouse pointer over the diamond chart to see the precise average age and standard deviation represented by the chart.

By default, the cluster characteristics are shown alphabetically from top to bottom. Locate the cluster you renamed “High Profit, High Income, Car Owner” and click its column heading. The cluster attributes will be reordered according to the characteristics that most differentiate it from the total population. Click the cluster you renamed “High Profit, Lower Income, Less Likely Car Owner” to see how the order of the characteristics changes.

Initially, clusters are ordered by size from left to right. You can change the order of the clusters by dragging and dropping clusters to the desired location. Figure 20-20 shows the cluster attributes ordered by importance for the “High Profit, High Income, Car Owner” cluster and the clusters ordered by percentage of customers in the high-profit category.

Cluster Characteristics

The Cluster Characteristics tab lets you examine the attributes of a particular cluster. By default, attributes for the model’s entire data population are shown. To see the attributes of a particular cluster instead, you can select one from the Cluster drop-down list. For example, if you select the “High Profit, High Income, Car Owner” cluster, the attributes will be reordered according to probability that they appear in that cluster, as shown in Figure 13.

Figure 13. The Cluster Characteristics tab of the Cluster Viewer

The attribute with the highest probability in this cluster is that of not being a new customer in other words, there is a 95 percent chance that a customer in this cluster is not a new customer.

Cluster Discrimination

The Cluster Discrimination tab is most useful for comparing two clusters and understanding what most distinguishes them. Select “High Profit, High Income, Car Owner” from the Cluster 1 drop-down list and “High Profit, Lower Income, Less Likely Car Owner” from the Cluster 2 drop-down list. The attributes that are most important in differentiating the two clusters are shown by order of importance. A bar indicates the cluster in which you are more likely to find the particular attribute, and the size of the bar indicates the importance of the attribute. As you can see from Figure 14, the two most important distinguishing attributes of the selected clusters are the high-income and low-income groups.

Figure 14. The Cluster Discrimination tab of the Cluster Viewer

We’ve covered the Cluster Viewer and its constituent tabs in depth, but don’t forget that we have mining models in our mining structure that use the Decision Trees and Naïve Bayes algorithms rather than the Clustering algorithm. We need to also understand how to use the Microsoft Tree Viewer and the Naïve Bayes Viewer—the respective viewers for these models.

Using the Tree Viewer

To view the results of the Decision Trees model, select CustomerProfitCategory_DT from the Mining Model drop-down list. This will bring up the Microsoft Tree Viewer. The Tree Viewer offers two views of the results from the model estimation: a decision tree and a dependency network view. A separate tree is created for each predictable variable in the decision tree view. You can select the tree to view using the Tree drop-down list. In our model, we have two trees, one for predicting customer profitability and one for predicting the number of products purchased.

Decision Tree

Select ProfitCategory from the Tree drop-down list to reveal the tree for that variable. The Tree Viewer provides a sideways view of a decision tree with the root node at the far left. Decision trees branch, or split, at each node according to the attribute that is most important for determining the predictable column at that node. By inference, this means that the first split shown from the root All node is the most important characteristic for determining the profitability of a customer. As shown in Figure 15, the first split in the ProfitCategory tree is premised on whether the customer is a new customer.

Figure 15. The Decision Tree tab of the Tree Viewer

The Tree Viewer shows a bar chart of the ProfitCategory at each node of the tree and uses the background shading of a node to indicate the concentration of cases in that node. By default, the shading of the tree nodes indicates the percentage of the population at that node. The shading is controlled by the selection in the Background drop-down list, where you can select a specific value for the ProfitCategory variable instead of the entire population. If the predictable variable is continuous rather than discrete, there will be a diamond chart in each node of the tree indicating the mean, median, standard deviation, and range of the predictable variable.

By default, up to three levels of the tree are shown. You can change the default by using the Default Expansion drop-down list. A change here changes the default for all decision trees viewed in the structure. To view more levels for the tree without changing the default, use the Level slider or expand individual branches of a tree by clicking the plus sign at the branch’s node. A node with no plus sign is a leaf node, which means it has no child branches and therefore cannot be expanded. Branches end when there are no remaining input attributes that help determine the value of the predictable variable at that node. The length of various branches in the tree varies because they are data dependent.

Dependency Network

The Dependency Network tab for the CustomerProfitCategory_DT model is shown in Figure 16. Each bubble in the dependency network represents a predictable variable or an attribute that determined a split in the decision tree for a predictable variable. Arrows connecting the attributes indicate the direction of the relationship between the variables. An arrow to an attribute indicates that it is predicted, and an arrow from an attribute indicates that it is a predictor. The double-headed arrow connecting ProfitCategory and NumProdGroup indicates that they predict each other—each splits a node in the decision tree of the other. If we had set the usage type of each of these variables to PredictOnly or Input rather than Predict, we would not have been able to make this observation.

Figure 16. The Dependency Network tab of the Tree Viewer

Click ProfitCategory. This activates color coding, as described in the legend below the dependency network, to indicate whether an attribute predicts, or is predicted by, ProfitCategory.

The slider to the left of the dependency network allows you to filter out all but the strongest links between variables. If you move the slider to the bottom, you will see that the strongest predictor of ProfitCategory is whether the customer is new. Slowly move the slider up. The next bubble to become reddish-orange is Recency Group; this means that the recentness of the last purchase is the second most important predictor of customer profitability after whether the customer is new.

Now move the slider back to the bottom and click NumProdGroup. The color coding now shows the predictors of that variable instead of ProfitCategory. Even though no predictors are colored, you can move the slider up slowly and see that the first bubble to become pink is ProfitCategory, revealing that the most important determinant of the number of products purchased is the profitability of the customer.

Using the Naïve Bayes Viewer

We have yet to view our Naïve Bayes model. To do so, simply select CustomerProfitCategory_NB from the Mining Model drop-down list, bringing up the Naïve Bayes Viewer. The viewer has four tabs: Dependency Network, Attribute Profiles, Attribute Characteristics, and Attribute Discrimination. Our experience with the Cluster Viewer and Tree Viewer will serve us well here because we have encountered slightly different versions of all four of these tabs in those two viewers.

Dependency Network

The Dependency Network tab of the Naïve Bayes Viewer looks and works the same way as the Dependency Network tab of the Tree Viewer, but it reveals slightly different conclusions. As before, a slider to the left of the tab filters out all but the strongest determining characteristics of customer profitability. If you move the slider all the way to the bottom and then slowly move it up, you will see that according to the Naïve Bayes model, the most important predictors of customer profitability are whether the customer is a new customer, followed by the number of products the customer purchased.

This differs from the decision tree model’s determination of customer profit. That model suggests that after being a new customer, the recency of the last purchase was the most important predictor of customer profitability. This underscores an important point: even though the viewers for the two models use the same visualization technique, each one uses a different algorithm and might indicate slightly different conclusions.

Attribute Profiles, Attribute Characteristics, and Attribute Discrimination

The Attribute Profiles, Attribute Characteristics, and Attribute Discrimination tabs of the Naïve Bayes Viewer are functionally equivalent to the Cluster Profiles, Cluster Characteristics, and Cluster Discrimination tabs of the Cluster Viewer. However, instead of allowing a comparison of the distribution of input attributes across clusters, they allow a comparison of the distribution of input attributes across distinct values of the predicted column—in our case, the ProfitCategory column.

Click the Attribute Profiles tab and then select the Low profit group. As shown in Figure 17, according to our Naïve Bayes model, the most important characteristics for predicting whether a customer is a low-profit customer are whether the person is a new customer, the number of products purchased, and the region.

Figure 17. The Attribute Profiles tab of the Naïve Bayes Viewer
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